#IwishPeopleKnewThatDiabetes slide deck

Cherise Shockley

Kerri Sparling

Sue Rericha

Chelcie Rice.

Scott Johnson

Brad Slaight

Mike Durbin

Richard Vaughn

Bob Pederson

Melinda Vahradian
#IwishPeopleKnewThatDiabetes slide deck
This #IwishPeopleKnewThatDiabetes slide deck is compilation of all awesome that occurred at the #IwishPeopleKnewThatDiabetes Booth, at the Children With Diabetes, Friends For Life Conference in Orlando Florida. It was an amazing and inspiring conference and filled with friends who have become family. For more information, checkout the CWD website: www.childrenwithdiabetes.com -
Cherise Shockley
Cherise -- diagnosed with LADA1.5 -- is the founder of http://diabetescaf.org, aka the Diabetes Community Advocacy Foundation. Cherise created the wildly successful #dsma -- Diabetes Social Media Advocacy -- weekly twitter chat on Wednesday nights at 9pm EST, The Blue Fridays Initiative. You can find Cherise on twitter at: @DiabetesSocMed -
Kerri Sparling
This is Kerri Morrone Sparling. Kerri blogs about her life with diabetes at SixUntilme.com and can found on twitter @sixuntilme. Kerri has been blogging about her life with t1 for 10 years, is the author of "Balancing Diabetes," and is mom to the amazing Birdy. -
Sue Rericha
Sue Rericha lives with Type 2 diabetes. As the daughter of two Type 2s, she understands the strong genetic link with diabetes. Being the mother of five amazing children, she is passionate about finding a cure. Educating others about all types of diabetes and dispelling myths is something else she feels strongly about. Sue believes that a cure for all people with diabetes can be accomplished by putting aside our types and working together. You can read her blog at http://www.diabetesramblings.com. Twitter: @RFamsRamblings -
Chelcie Rice.
https://www.facebook.com/SugarFreeComedy/?fref=ts twitter: @ChelcieRice https://twitter.com/ChelcieRice -
Scott Johnson
Scott Johnson. DOC champion, MySugr monster wrangler, and really fantastical friend. Be sure to checkout Scott's blog: www.scottsdiabetes.com -
Mike Durbin
Mike Durbin lives with type 2 diabetes and congestive heart failure and is the creator of mydiabeticheart.com. This work of art is titled Diabetes Family Tree and it was originally created for the very first Diabetes Art Day in 2010. The piece was created as a tribute to the Diabetes Online Community, or as I’ve come to refer to it, my diabetes family. Each branch of the tree is marked with the name of a member of the family. Looking back at this now, five years later, the piece has stronger significance to me than when I first created it. The reason being that I’ve been fortunate enough to have met many of these family members in person. I continue to hope for opportunities to meet more of them. For now, I feel blessed to know them all. Website: http://www.mydiabeticheart.com Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mydiabeticheart Twitter: https://twitter.com/mydiabeticheart -
Richard Vaughn
My friend Richard Vaughn has lived with t1 diabetes for 64 years - to say that he's an inspiration is an understatement. Richard is a important member of the Diabetes Online Community and is a recipient of the Joslin Diabetes Center 50 year medalist. Told you he was awesome! "Kelly Kunik has a a very clever project at #Iwishpeopleknewthatdiabetes..... I think of this site as a Wishing Well for people with diabetes. We can let it all out, and tell it like we see it, saying what we wish the uninformed public needs to hear. Some newly diagnosed diabetics can learn from this site, too. My current thought is: #Iwishthatpeopleknewthatdiabetes can be managed well enough that there will be long, healthy lives, without serious complications. What do YOU wish that people knew about diabetes? Richard Vaughn, 64 years of living with diabetes. -
Melinda Vahradian
Here’s a piece of art from my friend Melinda – Her son has t1. Her painting “is a reminder that even with diabetes, food can be joyful.” Visit her her Etsy store and website.
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