I wish people knew that diabetes…

…looks like my beautiful fiancĂ©e.

Rachel lives every day with Type 1 since she was 15. That means every day she has to be perfect to make sure her blood sugar is correct. She doesn’t get a day, an hour, or even a minute off. Diabetes is the only disease where you’re completely responsible for administering your own medication and correctly calculating the dosages so you don’t accidentally send yourself into shock or even die.

Yet no matter what valleys and peaks that day’s blood sugar may bring, Rachel refuses to let it stop her, to let it prevent her from living and building our life together, and she won’t let it be our focus even though it’s a constant mental and physical battle for her. I’m as supportive as I can be, but I’ll never understand the hourly prick of a needle, the frustration of exorbitantly expensive insulin, or the embarrassment caused by declaring you have a medical device and need a physical, extremely invasive pat down at the airport.

I do understand how incredibly blessed I am to have such a strong, brave, and incredible partner to spend the rest of my life with. It’s time to find a cure!

Kyle Clark

On Twitter:
Rachel: @_TakeOneDay
Kyle: @kyleclarkphotos

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